Working outdoors above 80 degrees

Fluid and Electrolyte Replacement

1.) All EO’s should consume 1-2 bottles of water per hour throughout the work day. (More than 2 bottles of water per hour can cause adverse health effects).

2.) Electrolyte replacement drinks shall be provided and EO’s shall consume no more than one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

3.) Projects ensure that adequate amounts of individual water bottles are provided in coolers for

4.) Supervisors must monitor all EO’s for signs and symptoms of heat related illnesses.

5.) Supervisors must monitor Heat Index through the OSHA Heat Safety Tool app.

Breaks and Shade

1.) Projects shall provide shade tents for all crews working in direct sunlight.

2.) Work will be halted if shade tents/cooling stations are not in place or operational. Foremen must ensure the tent is up and in an area close to the work operation prior to beginning the shift (tent should be secured or tied down to prevent being blown over). Mobile operations such as paving shall dedicate EO to advance the shade tent and water supply with the location of the workers as the operation advances.

3.) Projects, whenever possible, will schedule operations to begin early in the morning to reduce exposure to the peak temperatures from 1-4 PM.

4.) All EO’s should be encouraged to take additional breaks to drink fluids and rest as needed.

Additional Actions Heat Index > 103 degrees

1.) All non-essential work operations should stop, unless working in shaded areas or air-conditioned cabs of equipment.

2.) Breaks should be enforced by supervision 10 minutes per every hour if working in direct sunlight.

3.) Twice daily, supervisors shall remind EOs about hydration and enforce the hydration frequency.

4.)Use buddy system to monitor each worker’s symptoms and take action as needed.


1.) New hire EO’s shall acclimate to temperature adjustment during the first 14 days.
                a.) Allow and encourage more frequent breaks
                 b.) Foremen are responsible for closely monitoring new hire EO’s during acclimation period

2.) Utilize workers that are already acclimated to working in hot temperatures for peak heat hours (if required).

Best Practices and Training

1.) Ensure that all EO’s understand the initial signs/symptoms of heat stress (headache, fatigue, cramps) and to report them immediately.

2.) Encourage the consumption of water containing foods (green vegetables, fruit).

3.) Avoid large “heavy” meals.

4.) Avoid alcohol, sodas, and energy drinks.

5.) EO’s need to understand that personal medication can have adverse effects to working in high heat environments, should consult their PCP.

Mobile Paving Operations

1.) Equipment will be equipped with umbrellas and/or other shade producing materials.

2.) Adequate water (2 bottles per hour) will be provided to all crewmembers.

3.) Crews are available to break as needed throughout shift.

4.) Labor-intensive work will be rotated between work crew.